The people of Japan are famous for their long lives and excellent health. Their secret lies not only in genetics but also in a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition, physical activity, and unique breathing exercises.
Famous Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke shared one of these exercises, which, according to him, helps to lose weight without strict diets and grueling workouts.
How Miki Ryosuke lost weight
Miki Ryosuke is not only a Japanese film actor but also an expert on healthy lifestyle and fitness. He has a very simple secret that will help you reduce weight.
The actor suffered from back pain, so he started doing special exercises. They include breathing techniques, weight shifting, and muscle tension.
At first, Ryosuke used a breathing technique that a doctor recommended to him to relieve back pain. But he soon discovered that he was also shedding pounds through regular use of the “long breathing method.”
In 50 days, he lost 13 kilograms, his waist narrowed by 12 centimeters, and his body fat level decreased from 25 to 6.6 percent – perhaps only because of breathing.
But that's not all: the actor also claims that his hair has become thicker, his skin is lighter, and he looks younger. Breathing technique as a miracle of fitness and rejuvenation seems extraordinary.
How the “long breath” method works
- Stand up straight, put one foot in front of you, and pull the other back, turning the foot slightly outward, while keeping the hips straight.
- Transfer your entire body weight to your back leg and pull your upper body back a little.
- Inhale slowly for three seconds and raise your arms above your head with your arms outstretched.
- Then exhale vigorously for seven seconds, straining the muscles of the body, and raise your arms to shoulder height.
- Now this process should be repeated for two to five minutes.
- The exercise should be performed daily.
Is it possible to lose weight using this technique
It's no secret that breathing affects our mood and mind. The effect of shallow and accelerated breathing on the body has been studied by many scientists. It has been found that it can lead to increased stress, increased blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue.
However, breathing exercises with deep and even breathing can greatly help relaxation. This method is based on regular long and deep breaths.
Breathing is not everything
There is no evidence that the deep breathing method is effective.
Unfortunately, you will not achieve significant weight loss in the long run if you use only the breathing method. Breathing exercises are a great way to relax and unwind, which can also help you lose weight.
In addition, the body receives enough oxygen, which has a positive effect on the brain and body. However, if you want to lose weight, you need to follow a healthy diet and exercise.
Important : Intensive breathing can make some people feel dizzy. If you want to try this method, do it with caution.